Why Software Development?

Posted by heislercreative on January 26, 2018

As far back as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed both creative endeavors and working with technology.

In the early days, the two were separated. The creativity was in writing or building Lego sets; the tech was probably a Sega Genesis or Nintendo 64.

Eventually though, both sides merged when I took courses in computer graphics and HTML in high school. I realized that I could create and take advantage of technology while doing it. Whether working with composites in Photoshop, recording in Garageband, or building my first website with Dreamweaver at the age of 17, I found that I enjoyed both the process of creating and the actual learning of these new skills.

Fast forward a few years, countries, and situations later, and I haven’t been able to shake the creative-tech combo. Instead, I’m ready to dive deeper and contribute to the software that better others’ lives, like the applications that have allowed me to explore new fields.

I believe the influence of web and software development on society is profoundly greater than most realize. There is a responsibility that comes with that, as well as host of visionary opportunities. And I want to build the skills to play a part in this ever-expanding field.