Building Blocks

Developing: from idea to reality

Aftermarket Shop: React/Redux Project with Rails API

Full disclosure: upon realizing that I had nearly completed the final project in the Flatiron course, the first song I listened to this morning was The Final Countdown by Europe. It seemed appropriate, given the distance covered from day one. Plus, 80’s power-ballads are better than caffeine when it comes to energizing for that final push.

Hoisting: Keeping Things in Order

Regardless of one’s knowledge of code, there is a natural order of writing that’s universally understood and expected, particulary in the world of journalism:

Dog Rescue App: Adding jQuery to the Front End

To build upon my previous Rails app for use by a dog rescue shelter, I was challenged to add jQuery and AJAX front-end functionality and create internal API routes for easy access to data. The switch from Ruby to JavaScript was not entirely new to me, but it was now time to put all the newly learned material into action!

Programming in Unexpected Places

After 4 months of dedicated study, I took a month-long break from programming. Or at least that’s what I thought.

Dog Rescue : Rails MVC Project

To add to the undoubtedly oversaturated number of Ruby programmers’ opinions about Rails, let me just say, “Rails is amazing.” The ability to create a large-scale MVC app with access to so many helper methods out of the box saves so much time, it’s hard to quantify.